CAVE, a subterranean horror-comedy, tells the story of Adrienne, Zoe, and Crowbar, who have ventured into the Long Tooth Caverns to film a documentary about an archaeological survey that disappeared under mysterious circumstances. There they encounter Stan, a cave dweller tapped into his home's ostensibly mystical powers. Personal tensions come to a head between the documentarians as the line between fact and myth blurs. Is the cave revealing hidden truths of their past lives, deepest fears, and destinies? Or are they slowly being driven mad by a toxic environment and the inescapable darkness of this strange underworld?
an Original Devised PieceComposed by Intramural TheaterPresented at The Backyard Ballroom (Indoors!)3519 St. Claude Ave. New OrleansJanuary 13th-16th, 19th-22nd, & 26th-27thDoors @ 7:30PM, Performance @ 8:00PMPay-What-You-Can Night: Mon., January 16thTickets $20 / $30 / $40 / $100FEATURING:STAN – Benjamin Dougherty*ZOE – Anna Karina Delage*ADRIENNE – C.A. Munn*CROWBAR – Mary Davis*
Playwright – C.A. Munn*Director / Producer – Bennett Kirschner*Stage Manager / Producer – Tricia Anderson*Assistant Stage Manager – Ella SimmonsScenic Designers – Nicole Wysocki, Anna Karina Delage* & Lauren BarronSound Designer – Bobby BurvantAssistant Sound Designer – Jeremy Webber*Set Designer – Adam TourekLighting Designer – Stephen ThurberCostume Designers – Leah FloydChoreographers – Anna Karina Delage* and C.A. MunnBodily Fluid Artist – Benjamin Dougherty*Poster Designer – Miranda MorrisContributor to Devising Process – Sarah VanDerMeerCOVID POLICY: All performances are subject to Covid-19 Rules and Regulations set by the City of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana.
TICKET PRICES: For the past eight years, Intramural Theater has carried an original compensation model – after paying the venue and the company their shares, all remaining ticket revenue is split evenly amongst collaborators, from designers to performers. We introduced tiered pricing in 2021 in the hopes of paying our collaborators more for their work, while keeping tickets accessible for everyone, regardless of financial means. We suggest a minimum donation of $20, but if you can afford to, please consider paying $30, $40, or $100 in order to support Intramural Theater, the artists who comprise it, and the community we serve. Your ticket will be no different from any other, but every dollar you spend on it goes directly to the artists who make the show possible while helping us keep admission affordable for anyone who wants to see live, original theatre.
This production is supported by a grant from the New Orleans Theatre Association (NOTA).